2025 Datasets

To date, the following regional high quality multidisciplinary datasets will be made available to registered persons.

These include*:

  1. Broken Hill

  2. Creighton-Flin Flon

  3. Gawler Craton

  4. Ngamiland, Botswana

  5. North West Province, Queensland

  6. Quesnel Trough

  7. Tellus Programme

  8. Yukon Plateau

  9. Uganda-Jinja and Mbarara Regions

  10. Athabasca Basin

*Additional datasets may be added.

The Next Generation Explorers Award (NGEA™) would like to thank our dataset providers:

Botswana Geoscience Institute
Geoscience BC
Geological Survey of Ireland
Geological Survey of Northern Ireland
Geological Survey of Queensland
Geological Survey of South Australia
New South Wales Geological Survey
NRCan-Geological Survey of Canada
Saskatchewan Geological Survey
Uganda Directorate of Geological Survey and Mines (UDGSM)
Yukon Geological Survey