PDAC needs your help to protect the METC

Background and PDAC’s Letter

The Mineral Exploration Tax Credit (METC) is an incentive that provides flow-through share (FTS) investors with an additional 15% non-refundable tax credit when funds are directed towards greenfield exploration.

After a 5-year renewal in 2019 (the first in the credit’s 20-year history) the METC will expire in March 2024 unless action is taken. PDAC has corresponded with Canada's Minister of Finance to spotlight the significant importance of the METC in fueling domestic mineral exploration and economic development across Canada and to recommend a 5-year extension of the credit.

Read our complete letter here.

To support PDAC’s efforts to extend the METC we need to hear from companies that have tapped this incentive to generate exploration funding, and what impact a loss of this incentive could have on future business and prospects for making new deposit discoveries.

You can share feedback by answering the 2 questions below OR please provide your contact details if you would like to engage PDAC directly on how to support our advocacy efforts.

PDAC collects the above answers on a non-attribution basis.