In Person Convention Statistics

Convention attendees: 17,445
International attendees: 29.5%
Outside of Canada the largest number of attendees came from: USA, Australia, United Kingdom, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, Germany, Ghana, Mongolia, France
Countries represented: 120
Investors: 1,293

Trade Show:

Booths: 664
Exhibiting organizations: 344
Governments exhibiting: 41

Investors Exchange:
Booths: 386
Exhibiting organizations: 361
Prospectors Tent booths: 15

Core Shack
Exhibiting companies: 20

Programming and workshops
Short Courses: 4
Speakers: 265

Convention Highlights

Captivating discussions and standing room only crowds across a number of programs.

Six of the industry’s top performers were honoured with a PDAC 2022 Award.

Record attendance at the Opening Ceremonies.

High attendance and engaged conversations at the Indigenous Program, including a session on navigating UNDRIP the right way.

Expanded Keynote Program featuring presentations from industry experts on commodities, the mineral outlook, technology and new discoveries.

WiM’s annual Mining for Diversity Reception on June 14 and the inaugural launch of International Day of Women in Mining on June 15.

PDAC, in partnership with the World Economic Forum, hosted the seventh annual International Mines Ministers Summit (IMMS), bringing together 20 Ministers responsible for mining from around the world to discuss the industry’s role in reducing global emissions.

In Person Photo Gallery

Photo credit:

01__aGEN_403 01__aGeneral_307 01__GEN_400 01__General_356 01_General_333 01_General_410 01_General403 02_General369 02_General378 02_General420 03_GEN_615 03b_GEN_561 04__OC_660 04_OC_654 04b_OC_659 04c_OC_655 04c_OC_665 04c_OC_681 04c_OC_687 05_CM_820 05_CM_GOLD359 07_IP_Partner450 07_KeyComm559 07_KeyComm563 07_KeyComm565 08_IP_ECONOMIC76 08b_IP_ECONOMIC43 09__BOD_76 09__BOD_79 09__President383 09_BOD_124 09_BOD_93 09_Northern Ontario Mining Showcase BOOTH OPENING-26 10_Canada94 10_Canada97 10_GEN_636 10_IE_285 10_IE_347 10_IE_353 10_IE_358 10_IE_367 11_SP_Min768 11b_SP_Min759 12_Student207 12_Student243 12_Student246 13_Sustainability_334 13_Sustainability_361 13b_Sustainability_330 15_TP_Comm416 15_TP_Comm427 15_TP_Comm436 16_____GEN_711 16____GEN_707 16____Recharge_112 16___GEN_712 16__GEN_529 16_CORE_116 16_CORE_169 16a_CORE_120 16b_CORE_131 16b_CORE_176 16b_CORE_181 16c_CORE_137 17_ 17_MFD_133 17_MFD_135 18_SECC538 18_SECC547 18_SECC597 18_SP_902 19_SP_Virtual411 19_SP_Virtual448 20__FP_94 20_Cafe61 20_Cafe63 20_GEN_699 20a_Cafe50 20a_Cafe60 21_GEN_538 21_GEN_662 21_GEN_668 21_GEN_677 21_GEN_697 21_GEN_702 21_GEN_7021_5 22_TS_Ex403 22_TS_Ex438 23_SP_160 23_SP_201 24_AWARDS502 24_AWARDS586 24_AWARDS594 24_AWARDS614 24_AWARDS620 26_CORE_180 26_IE_340 27_IndigenousEmpower304 27_IndigenousEmpower324 27_IP444 27_IP468 27_IP478 28_KeyMineral_567 28_keynotetec203 29_SIM_113 29_SIMEW530 29_SIMEW531 29_SIMEW536 30_SECC574 31_SA120 31_SP_Supply632 31_SP_Supply644 32_CORP70 33__IE_380 33_IE_338 34_PT346 34_PT353 34_PT359 34_PT364 34_PT366 34_TSX550 34a__TS_1365 34a_TS_1006 34a_TS_1026 34a_TS_1046 34a_TS_1048 34a_TS_1083 34a_TS_1100 34a_TS_1140 34a_TS_1158 34a_TS_1182 34a_TS_1283 34a_TS_1355 34a_TS_1361 34a_TS_984 34b_TS_1277V 35_PERU70 36_KP_NEW401 36_KP_NEW405 37_TP_Discoveries54 37_TS_New969 37_TS384 38_NewMember_84 38_NewMember_89 41_ZGEN_417

Online Convention Statistics

Direct messages sent between registrants: 6,015
Downloads of exhibitor and session (programming) documents: 1,111

Hours of presentation content: 74 hours
Number of sessions available online: 80
Speakers: 116
Total number of session follows/favourites: 3,316
Total number of session views: 5,877

New for PDAC 2022:
- Industry Showcase
- Executive Spotlight
- Coffee Chats

Most viewed sessions
Commodities Keynote - Copper outlook: World needs vs industry means
Mineral Outlook Keynote - Driving change for the next 100 years: Industry insights to the future of mining
Technology Keynote: Innovation and the future of mining
The future of the exploration business
Exploration Insights
Critical minerals and the battery economy: What does success look like
Commodities: Outlook for key materials
Exploring the social impact of mineral development projects in Indigenous communities
Commodities: The big picture

Total number of exhibitors: 93
Government exhibitors: 9
Total number of booth visits: 10,469

Online Convention attendees: 1,462
Percentage of attendees from outside of Canada: 44%
Outside of Canada, the top 10 countries represented were: United States, Australia, Peru, Brazil, China, UK, Namibia, Ireland, Chile, Germany, India and Mexico

Online Photo Gallery

Photo credit:

01__GENERAL__V656 01_GENERAL_V600 02_OC_V79_V101 02b_OC_V107 02b_OC_V108 02c_OC_V72 03_GENERAL__V640  V658 03_GENERAL_V610 03_GENERAL_V612 03_GENERAL_V615 03_GENERAL_V615 V640 03_GENERAL_V615__V632 03_OCC_V615 V56 04_AWARDS_V700 04_AWARDS_V725 04_AWARDS_V743 V753 04_AWARDS_V743V746 04_AWARDS_V746 V762 04_AWARDS_V746V759 04_AWARDS_V763 04_AWARDS_V777 04_AWARDS_V779 04_AWARDS_V788 V792 04_AWARDS_V798b 04_AWARDS_V804 V806 04_AWARDS_V804 04_AWARDS_V813 05_CN__20_GENERAL_V650 05_CN__20_GENERAL_V690 06_CN_20 06_CN_20_48 06_CN_33 06_CN_44 06_CN_47 06_CN_49 06_CN_55 06_CN_58 06_CN_61 07_GENERAL_V647 07_GENERAL_V648 07_GENERAL_V659 V660 07_GENERAL_V659 V736 07_GENERAL_V659 08_DT___V115 08_DT__V112 08_DT__V117 08_DT_V109 09_GENERAL_V709 09_GENERAL_V710 V617 09_GENERAL_V712 09_GENERAL_V713 10_GENERAL_V747 10_GENERAL_V749 10_GENERAL_V751 11_GENERAL_V754 12_IP_SOCIAL_V36 12_IP_SOCIAL_V37 13_TS_RHINOSV500 13_TS_RHINOSV504 13_TS_RHINOSV505 14_IPCULTURAL_V302 14_IPCULTURAL_V330 15_LM_V42 V58 15_LM_V64 15_LM_V65 16_ROM__MINV70 MINV72 16_ROM_GEMV401 16_ROM_GEMV405 16_ROM_GEMV406 16_ROM_MIN70 _MINV79 16_ROM_MINV70 16_ROM_MINV77 17_SHORT_V97 17_SHORT_V102 18_TZ__PRIM_V101 18_TZ_PRIM_V104 18_TZ_PRIM_V107 19_DP_V205 19_DP_V208 19_DP_V217