Dr John Miller

Dr John Miller is the Global Principal Geoscientist for structural geology in BHP’s Technical Centre of Excellence with high level expertise in undertaking and supervising structural analysis of mineral systems at all scales. He has over thirty years experience working on over 100 ore bodies globally with a focus on integrating field observation, multiple geoscience datasets and utilizing leading-edge technology to assess exploration strategies, risk to resource and risk to reserve. He has substantial field experience in Archaean gold and nickel systems in Australia, Birimian gold systems in west Africa, Proterozoic and Paleozoic gold Deposits in Australia, Iron Oxide Coper Gold deposits (Olympic Dam and Tennant Creek), South American orogenic, porphyry copper and epithermal gold systems, the Mt Isa copper deposit, MVT lead-zinc deposits, iron ore deposits and coal deposits. He has held Senior Research and Research Management roles in industry, university and government, with over 80 international peer-reviewed publications. He was a part of the team that made the Golden Gift orebody discovery in Australia, and as a result was jointly awarded the prestigious Joe Harms Medal by the Geological Society of Australia for excellence in mineral exploration and contribution to the discovery of ore deposits.