Read PDAC's media statement
Updated as of 5:45 pm EDT, Monday, March 23, 2020
Following completion of PDAC 2020 Convention, Toronto Public Health recommended all attendees monitor themselves for 14 days. While this period has now passed, you are encouraged to continue watching for signs and symptoms as a precautionary measure.
Since our last communication with you, we have been informed by Toronto Public Health that two PDAC 2020 attendees from Toronto tested positive for COVID-19. These are in addition to the initial case from Sudbury, Ontario. As with the initial case, it was confirmed that these individuals were not infectious during the convention. However, it is possible they acquired the virus while participating.
This is all of the information Toronto Public Health has provided PDAC.
As the situation continues to evolve across the world, so does advice from governments and official health agencies. Stay informed by regularly reviewing evidence-based, credible sources of information and refer to your local government health authorities for guidance.
Information communicated to attendees will continue to be updated here if necessary.
Updated as of 9:30 am EST, Friday March 13, 2020
On Wednesday March 11, 2020 we learned that an attendee at PDAC 2020 tested positively for COVID-19 upon returning home to Sudbury, Ontario. Since then, Toronto Public Health has provided the following information based on their investigation:
- It is confirmed that the individual associated with the PDAC 2020 Convention, from Sudbury, was not infectious at the conference
- Through the investigation it has now been determined that the individual attended the Trade Show on March 1-3 including the Ontario Premier’s press conference held on the show floor on March 2 and the Student-Industry Networking Luncheon on March 3
- It is recommended that people who attended PDAC 2020 watch for signs and symptoms as a precautionary measure. It is possible that the person in Sudbury acquired their infection at the event. Advice for self-monitoring can be found in the fact sheet located here
- The individual also attended three smaller evening events. PDAC has been in contact with the organizers of those events and Toronto Public Health will be following up with them directly. However, the advice remains the same, the risk is low and persons are advised to self-monitor
We will continue supporting the investigation being conducted by Public Health Sudbury & Districts and Toronto Public Health.
The health and safety of PDAC 2020 participants remains our top priority. We are committed to keeping you informed and will continue to provide information as required.
We encourage you to continue to stay informed by regularly reviewing evidence-based credible sources of information about this situation.
Public Health Agency of Canada:
Ontario Ministry of Health:
Toronto Public Health:
Updated as of 1:30 pm EST, Wednesday March 11, 2020
It was learned that an attendee tested positive for COVID-19 after returning home to Sudbury, Ontario. We understand that all hospital protocols were followed for this case.
We are supporting the detailed investigation being conducted by Public Health Sudbury & Districts and Toronto Public Health of this individual's activities while at the PDAC Conference on March 2 and 3, the two days that the attendee was at the convention. Using this information public health officials carefully assess the potential health risk of people and provide follow-up guidance.
As they do for all investigations, public health actively identifies people who may have been directly exposed to COVID-19 and actively follows up with them. In general, large gatherings with transient interactions including walking by a person who may be infected with COVID-19 or briefly being in the same room with that person are considered a low risk.
The health and safety of our conference participants remains of the utmost importance to us.
It is understandable when there are uncertainties that people get concerned. Currently, public health advice remains:
- For people to wash their hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water or use an alcohol-hand sanitizer,
- Cover your mouth and nose when you cough, or sneeze,
- If you don't have a tissue, sneeze or cough in your sleeve, and
- To stay at home when you are sick.
These measures may seem simple, but they are very powerful ways to protect yourself and others from getting sick.
Since last night we have been working with public health officials to provide detailed information so that they can follow-up directly with individuals and their close contacts.
At approximately 12 noon today, Toronto Public Health released the following statement:
We will keep you updated as facts are confirmed. In the meantime, we encourage you to continue to stay informed by regularly reviewing evidence-based credible sources of information about this situation.
Public Health Agency of Canada:
Ontario Ministry of Health:
Toronto Public Health:
World Health Organization: