May 16, 2018 No. 162 |
PDAC 2019 Awards open |
Know a person or company deserving recognition for outstanding contributions to the mineral and mining industry? Nominations for PDAC 2019 Awards are now being accepted online. See the stories of the 2018 Award Recipients. Learn more |
PDAC presents on Bill C-262 |
PDAC appeared before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs (INAN) on April 24 to discuss Bill C-262, An Act to ensure that the laws of Canada are in harmony with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and how the mineral industry engages with Indigenous communities. Listen to the Committee hearing.
Government Revenue Resource Sharing |
PDAC applauds the signing of government resource revenue sharing agreements between Ontario and Grand Council Treaty #3, Wabun Tribal Council and Mushkegowuk Council. PDAC has long advocated for governments to share a portion of revenues derived from natural resources extraction with Aboriginal communities through Government Resource Revenue Sharing (GRRS) mechanisms. Read our 2014 GRRS Report. |
Developing a Canadian Minerals and Metals Plan |
The Federal Government is seeking input into the development of a Canadian Minerals and Metals Plan (CMMP). The CMMP aims to enhance Canada’s position as a global mining leader, and to lay the foundation for the industry’s long-term success. A Discussion Paper was developed to elicit feedback on potential elements of the Plan.
PDAC engages on Bill C-68 |
In a submission regarding Bill C-68, an Act to amend the Fisheries Act and other Acts in consequence, PDAC requested three amendments to the legislation related to transitional provisions, designated projects, and habitats. PDAC has also provided commentary on some key provisions within the Act.
Complete the survey |
If you are a junior exploration or mining company, government geological survey, diamond drill contractor, geophysical contractor or any other company or contractor carrying out exploration related activities in Canada, please complete PDAC’s and AME’s annual Health & Safety Survey by May 31.
Human Resource Development |
S-IMEW 2018 in full swing |
Since the Student-Industry Mineral Exploration Workshop (S-IMEW) kicked off May 3, students have experienced geochemistry, geophysics, exploration and regional mapping, core logging, drill site visits, mineral economics, and much more. The four-day field trip took the group to Val-d’Or, Rouyn-Noranda and Cobalt to visit junior exploration and mining companies, and students have met over 75 volunteers and many sponsors. Follow the #SIMEW2018 adventures on social media. |
Geoscience success stories |
Have you used public geoscience data to help plan your exploration program, or to make a mineral discovery? Have you used a government geophysical survey to fine tune your exploration program that decreased your impact on the surrounding environment? PDAC is collecting stories of successful applications of public geoscience databases for mineral exploration. Share your story with [email protected] or complete the form online. |
Geological survey: Request for Proposals |
PDAC is seeking proposals that examine the current programs operated by the Geological Survey of Canada and the provincial and territorial geological surveys. This project aims to examine aspects of the Surveys’ programming and associated projects, including selection, prioritization, resourcing, and decision-making processes, and will involve some information gathering from an international geological survey. Proposals are due to [email protected] by May 24. |
Events at a Glance |
PDAC is participating in these upcoming events: