March 24, 2016, No. 136






Federal Budget 2016
PDAC applauds the Government of Canada for taking steps to support the sustainable development of Canada’s mineral resources and committing to investment in Aboriginal communities, as announced in the Federal Budget 2016. In particular, PDAC is pleased with the renewal of the Mineral Exploration Tax Credit (METC) until March 2017 and a commitment to proceed with changes to ensure costs associated with environmental studies and community consultation are considered as Canadian Exploration Expenses (CEE) - two items PDAC has strongly advocated for. The association looks forward to working together with the government as changes to CEE are implemented, as well as on their innovation and infrastructure development agenda. Learn more.

PDAC 2016 Convention
Convention highlights
More than 22,000 attendees from over 100 countries gathered at the annual PDAC Convention in Toronto from March 6-9. Some of the highlights include:
  • The Toronto Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange opened and closed the market from the convention floor.
  • For the first time a selection of visually-stunning minerals from the Kirwin Collection, on loan from the Royal Ontario Museum, were available for everyone to see up close.

  • Attendees celebrated 100 years with the Royal Canadian Mint and examined new proprietary anti-counterfeiting technology.

  • Gianni Kovacevic kicked off his Realistic Environmentalist North America Tour. He is driving his Tesla from Toronto to Tesla headquarters in Palo Alto, California.

  • An assortment of rough, cut and polished De Beers Canadian diamonds were displayed.

PDAC 2016 also proudly hosted the first International Mines Ministers Summit (IMMS) that brought together 16 Mines Ministers from around the world. Led by Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, the Honourable Jim Carr, the IMMS provided an important setting for the international mining community to discuss and work on issues affecting the industry. Learn more.
Discount tickets to the ROM
Attendees of the PDAC 2016 Convention receive a discount at the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM). Use code PROSPECTORS on the ROM website to receive $3 off general admission price. A sample of ROM’s visually stunning Kirwin Collection of minerals was showcased at the convention - see more at the ROM.

Quebec to support a competitive and responsible minerals industry
PDAC welcomes the Government of Quebec’s strategic vision for the minerals industry in the province. If implemented effectively, it will help sustain the competitiveness of Quebec and ensure it aligns with the principles of sustainable development. Supported by Quebec’s 2016-17 Budget, the vision includes enhanced fiscal support for exploration in remote areas and commitments to significant infrastructure investments. These measures mirror PDAC’s Budget 2016 recommendations for federal action. Learn more.

Corporate Social Responsibility
ESTMA website launches
The Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act (ESTMA) delivers on Canada’s international commitments to contribute to global efforts to increase transparency and deter corruption in the extractive sector by requiring extractive entities active in Canada to publicly disclose specific payments to all governments in Canada and abroad. The ESTMA website was launched on March 1. Learn more.

New report: Business Ecosystems in Exploration
The most effective way to drive innovation in the mining industry today is to create high-performing business ecosystems to address industry challenges, according to Business Ecosystems in Exploration, a study conducted by Deloitte, PDAC and the Canada Mining Innovation Council. This report builds on a study that looked at collaboration as a key way to foster new ways of thinking and working. Learn more.

Eight members elected to Board of Directors
The PDAC Board of Directors elected eight members following the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on the opening day of the PDAC 2016 Convention. These leaders will help support the PDAC’s mandate to further enhance Canada’s mineral exploration and mining sector and promote the interests of our 8,000 members. Learn more.

Human Resource Development
S-IMEW celebrates 10 years
The 10th annual Student-Industry Mineral Exploration Workshop (S-IMEW), that takes place May 6 to 20, will kick-off at Dynamic Earth in Sudbury with a keynote by John Burzynski, President & CEO of Oban Mining Corporation. Twenty-six of Canada’s top post-secondary geoscience students were selected for S-IMEW to experience the many facets of the mineral exploration industry. Success of the workshop is largely dependent on the generosity of its sponsors. Sponsorship is an excellent way to raise the profile of your organization and gain access to top Canadian talent. Learn more about 2016 Sponsorship Opportunities.

Canadian Mining Hall of Fame
Awards take on new venue
The 2017 group of inductees to the Canadian Mining Hall of Fame (CMHF) will celebrate at a new venue for the first time in 29 years. On January 12, 2017 the CMHF’s annual awards evening will officially move to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC). Established in 1988, the CMHF hosts the seminal annual event for the industry, attracting attendees from across the country and around the globe. Learn more.

Events at a glance
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