July 25, 2017, No. 152
Where is Canadian mining headed?
The mining industry is beginning to show signs of economic recovery. Along with its resurgence comes a problematic thin-labour supply that has the potential to derail projects, drive up the cost of finding workers, and ultimately undermine an operation’s ability to run competitively, unless corrective collaborative actions are taken to manage the future availability of workers. Canadian Mining Labour Market Outlook 2017, an annual report published by the Mining Industry Human Resources Council (MiHR), anticipates critical gaps for numerous mining-related occupations as well as an increased retirement replacement rate.

Our newest Class A corporate member
PDAC is pleased to welcome BHP as a new Class A corporate member. Members play a vital role in supporting PDAC’s advocacy work and initiatives on behalf of the mineral exploration and development industry. BHP is among the world’s top producers of major commodities with global headquarters in Melbourne, Australia. Our members strengthen the voice and influence of the sector and on behalf of PDAC staff, Board of Directors, and our numerous volunteers, we thank you for your support. Learn more
View from the top: PDAC President Glenn Mullan shares insight
In his first personal blog since stepping into the top job, PDAC President Glenn Mullan shares what the role looks like from his perspective, and how it feels to represent the association and its more than 8,000 members around the world. In just a few short months, Glenn has travelled across Canada and across the world in his capacity as PDAC President. This glimpse inside the role is the first in what will be an ongoing series of blog posts lasting the duration of Glenn’s term as President. Learn more

Nominate for a PDAC 2018 Award
The PDAC Awards are an honoured competition for the mineral exploration and mining sector. Founded in 1977 to celebrate outstanding achievements, PDAC Awards annually recognize excellence and dedication of industry leaders. Nominations in five categories are being accepted online until September 29. Recipients are celebrated at a prestigious gala held during the annual PDAC Convention in Toronto. Learn more
Arctic Inspiration calls for nominations
The 2017 Call for Nominations for the Arctic Inspiration Prize is now open, with up to $3 million in prize money available! The Arctic Inspiration Prize is intended for multidisciplinary teams who have made a substantial, demonstrated, and distinguished contribution to the gathering of Arctic knowledge and who have provided a concrete plan and commitment to implement their knowledge into real world application for the benefit of the Canadian Arctic, its Peoples and therefore Canada as a whole. Learn more

Response to Standing Committee Report on Protected Areas
PDAC has made a submission in response to the report of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development, Taking Action Today: Establishing Protected Areas for Canada’s Future.

Capital Markets
Industry financing continues to improve
According to S&P Global, financing for junior and intermediate companies showed dramatic increases in June, with more than $1 billion raised – up from $600 million raised during May. Additionally, the Pipeline Activity Index surged in June from 77 to 92, due to increases in the number of project milestones, significant financing and initial resources, offset by a decrease in drill results. Learn more

Regulatory Affairs
Review of environmental and regulatory processes
The Government of Canada has released the Environmental and Regulatory Reviews Discussion Paper to outline its proposed approach to environmental and regulatory processes. Comments can be submitted online until August 28. Read the Discussion Paper.

Responsible Exploration
Mining for clean energy
Clean Energy Canada explores the resulting demand for the metals and minerals used to manufacture clean energy technologies—and the opportunities and challenges this creates for mining companies and communities—as a result of rapid clean energy growth around the world. Mining for Clean Energy illustrates why Canadian mines are well-positioned to serve as “clean energy enablers”. Learn more

PDAC 2018 Convention
Latest news and updates
Save the Date! March 4-7 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto.

Visit www.pdac.ca/convention for the most current information.

Events at a Glance
  • PDAC President Glenn Mullan is presenting at a Northern Prospector Association meeting in Kirkland Lake on August 10.
  • PDAC Executive Director Andrew Cheatle, First Vice President Felix Lee, and Senior Manager, Aboriginal Affairs & Regulatory Affairs Lesley Williams are presenting at the Energy and Mines Ministers Conference in St Andrew’s-by-the-Sea, New Brunswick on August 14.
  • Andrew is participating in the National Mining Association’s Dialogue in Madrid, Spain on August 30.
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